Divorce in The Military with Children
The most emotional and expensive issues in a divorce in the military with children usually revolves around the child custody and child support issues. This is particularly true for military families because of being far from home, and frequent change of duty stations and deployments. Fortunately, in most cases the custody issues can be resolved in a sensible manner if both parents keep the best interest of the children as their primary goal.
Unfortunately, these issues can spiral into ugly protracted litigation by a hostile and or greedy spouse, if not properly controlled from the beginning. The children can be used as a pawn or the final weapon by an angry and vindictive spouse. The children can be seen as a source for more money. Even a well-intending spouse, that is extremely misguided in what is truly in the best interest of the children, can take ridiculous positions and make outrageous demands.

We can help you
To control and prevail in litigation over children’s issues in divorce you will need an experienced and skilled attorney that can organize and manage your parenting plan. In contentious cases, it may be necessary to build a strong team of professionals to support your position. With children and military divorce, your attorney must have quality guardian ad litems, child psychologists, pediatricians, and investigators ready and able to work together for a common goal. Your spouse can make numerous unfounded accusations. You have to be ready to counter and neutralize those accusations.
Do your best to discuss and reach an agreement with your spouse on everything involving the children. It will benefit your kids and make the divorce more manageable. However, if that is not possible, the litigation issues involved with children are not issues that you can blindly compromise during divorce, and then go back and fix later. Once the dyes are cast, it is very difficult to achieve a new direction. If possible, proper positioning of your interests with the children should begin before the divorce is filed and, if not, immediately upon filing.
We can help you
To control and prevail in litigation over children’s issues in divorce you will need an experienced and skilled attorney that can organize and manage your parenting plan. In contentious cases, it may be necessary to build a strong team of professionals to support your position. With children and military divorce, your attorney must have quality guardian ad litems, child psychologists, pediatricians, and investigators ready and able to work together for a common goal. Your spouse can make numerous unfounded accusations. You have to be ready to counter and neutralize those accusations.
Do your best to discuss and reach an agreement with your spouse on everything involving the children. It will benefit your kids and make the divorce more manageable. However, if that is not possible, the litigation issues involved with children are not issues that you can blindly compromise during divorce, and then go back and fix later. Once the dyes are cast, it is very difficult to achieve a new direction. If possible, proper positioning of your interests with the children should begin before the divorce is filed and, if not, immediately upon filing.